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30 April 2017

Festival Area

This year, for the first time ever, we have a Festival Area! We dedicated a part of our large and beautiful venue just to fun activities and short live demos that you can check out during breaks. You’ll be able to: meet the companies that support JSConf EU, chat with the people behind open source projects / community initiatives, be wooed by { live : JS }, see the JSConf swag getting printed, take selfies in our photo booth, play foosball, charge up your phones, grab a frozen yogurt and … sit on beanbags!

Supporting Companies: JSConf EU wouldn’t be possible without the support of great companies: our sponsors! Many of them will be available for chats and demos in our Festival Area.

Community Area: The JS community is awesome, and we’re proud to have some fantastic contributors and organizers as our guests. Come and meet them, get a demo, and learn how you can get involved too: Zach and Andy for NESpectre, Amelia for UX Night School, Julia & Finn for Nodeschool, Saskia for ClojureBridge, Yoshua for dat project, and Marjin for codemirror.

Fun Stuff: We got you covered. During breaks, you can meet the crew behind { live : JS }, hang out with LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER from our Saturday night party, and explore their audio/visual arts, learn from SDW printshop how the JSConf swag is printed, take selfies with friends in our photo booth, play foosball, or relax in a beanbag.