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30 April 2017


We’re happy to be able to offer free, all-day childcare at the venue for children aged 3 and above. For parents with younger infants, we will provide a quiet room equipped with comfy seats, diapers and other essentials where you can retreat to throughout the day.


Between 9am and 7pm, there will be a dedicated area with childcare professionals who will look after your children while you enjoy the conference.

In order to use our child care services, we ask that you register a separate, free ticket below and let us know everything that is important to keep your child happy during the conference. Please note that places are limited and available on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Register here.

For parents with younger infants, we will offer a separate room to retreat to, equipped with comfy seats, diapers and other basic necessities.

We look forward to welcoming you and your children to the conference!