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30 April 2017

The Saturday Party

As always we’ll feature social events on all nights surrounding JSConf EU. Check the schedule overview for more info on the Friday and Sunday party. For the Saturday night event there are a few more things to say, though:

Right after the event, we’ll have a grand dinner at the conference venue. Really, everything all night will be in roughly the same space – so, no need to go back to your hotel, house, etc. as far as we are concerned.

At 9pm the real fun starts. We’ll move over to the Glashaus (which you’ll be familiar with because that is where our “Side Track” will have been all day).

No ticket to JSConf EU? You can still come!

You’ll find 3 rooms:

  1. A lounge. We’ll serve drinks here and will try to keep the music at a level where you can pleasantly talk to each other. Fingers crossed.
  2. The stage (behind the lounge)
  3. Our side track. We will use this as an overflow room and live stream the performances from the stage in case you’d like a little more space for yourself.
  4. [weather permitting] You can hang out outside.

We’ll serve a fine selection of non-alcoholic and light alcoholic beverages. Long-drinks are available for purchase. Knowing that, it might be a good time to re-familiarize yourself with our code of conduct.


9:00pm Nested Loops

The final talk of the day! Watch the nested loops team dive deep into how they made the 2015 JSConf EU intro.


We think we found the most JSConf EU compatible artist ever, check out LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER.

10:30pm to late DJs

Here late actually means about 2am, because we have another conference day to go to.

DJs: Conny, Moritz Esyot, Nikolai Nonsleep Spreng

VJs: Rachel White, Ruth & Sam from LiveJS

Party Tickets

  • The event is free for all attendees of JSConf EU.
  • If you have a badge for JSConf EU you can bring a +1.
  • Attendees of CSSconf EU are welcome to join us after dinner (9pm).
  • Finally, we’re inviting the entire Berlin JavaScript community to join us for this celebration. A ticket for the party (starting at 9pm, including non-alcoholic and light alcoholic beverages) is available for purchase for 15 Euros.