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29 November 2016

Ticket Sale for JSConf EU 2017

Update March 6th: Next big ticket sale on Thursday, March 9th, at 17:00 CET. Ticket sales happen via ti.to. Pricing: 649€ + VAT + Fees: **799€. Diversity support tickets and CSSConf EU Combo tickets continue to be on sale.

Update Feb. 10th: Next big ticket sale on Friday, February 17th, at 18:00 CET. [Ticket sales happen via ti.to](https://ti.to/jsconfeu/jsconfeu2017). Pricing: **649€ + VAT + Fees: **799€**. [Diversity support tickets](#diversity) continue to be [on sale](https://ti.to/jsconfeu/jsconfeu2017). Update Jan. 13th: The regular sale today sold out quickly. Stay tuned for a future sale. [CSSConf Combo tickets and diversity tickets remain on sale](https://ti.to/jsconfeu/jsconfeu2017). The first large batch of regular tickets goes on sale **Friday, January 13th at 18:00 CET.**. This will be your best chance to get a ticket. Pricing: **649€ + VAT + Fees: **799€**

Pricing information for additional ticket variants and actual ticket purchase on ti.to.

The second (and final early bird) ticket sale for JSConf EU 2017 will start on **Sunday, December 11th at 21:00 CET.** The initial batch of tickets will be available for 575€ + VAT + Fees: **699€**.

JSConf EU is a professional, not-for-profit, labour-of-love conference for the JavaScript community that you don’t want to miss out on – Read up on the JSConf EU experience and what a ticket buys you.

Diversity Support Tickets

We are again offering Diversity Support Tickets. As last year you are purchasing a ticket for yourself and help another person of the conference’s choosing to be able to attend the event.

To make the program even more accessible we now offer a wider range of “Support Options”. Starting with paying 25% of a ticket to paying for a full ticket. We thank you in advance for your generosity and awesomeness and looking forward to a more diverse JSConf EU than ever before.

Additional Information